Her Productivity. Our Products.

Economic Health For The Dairy Starts With Your Transition Cows.

New! iLiquid iLiminate™

A liquid feed phosphorus binder for pre-partum dairy cows.

Improve blood calcium by limiting phosphorus absorption.

iLiquid Anionic®

A molasses and chloride-based liquid supplement to transition dairy cows.

Acidify blood while providing superior dry matter intake.

iLiquid Prop-Peak®

A molasses propionate-based liquid supplement for early lactation cows.

Improves glucose availability and liver health.

Feeding Timeline

Feeding Timeline for dairy cows showing periods before and after birth

New! iLiquid iLiminate™

A liquid feed phosphorus binder for pre-partum dairy cows.

Research shows that milk fever can be reduced at calving when dietary phosphorus is limited in the closeup period.

iLiminate helps limit a cow's absorption of phosphorus from the total mixed ration (TMR) and decreases blood phosphorus levels while feeding. This low blood phosphorus then triggers the release of calcium and phosphorous from the bone, which increases blood calcium levels through the calving period. This, in turn, limits a cow's risk of hypocalcemia (milk fever) at calving.

Product Features

  • Provides an alternative to feeding a low dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) ration.
  • Eliminates the need to monitor urine pH levels, which is typical of a DCAD ration.
  • Allows for flexibility in forages and other ingredients, no need to feed low-potassium products in the close-up ration.
  • Liquid product distributes evenly across TMR, and is easy to mix or adjust inclusion levels in ration.
  • Product is pumped into TMR with liquid inventory automatically monitored. No need to order or handle bags.
  • Contains soluble nitrogen, helping to produce microbial protein while partially replacing protein meal phosphorus in the ration.
Iliminate recommdended use graphic.

iLiquid Anionic®

A molasses and chloride-based liquid supplement to transition dairy cows.

To support the synthesis of colostrum and milk at the onset of lactation, the mammary gland demands marked increases in calcium. This demand is so sudden and extensive that regulatory mechanisms for the cow to maintain normal blood calcium often fail.

It has been repeatedly shown that feeding acidogenic diets (i.e., negative dietary cation-anion difference [DCAD]) increases blood calcium concentrations after calving, reducing the risk of milk fever. But feeding acidogenic diets also leads to reduced prepartum dry matter intake (DMI); a scenario that can hinder cow health and performance after calving. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain a balance between maximizing the benefits of negative DCAD rations on calcium status while minimizing its detrimental consequences on DMI.

Product Features

  • A soluble mineral that allows for better absorption.
  • Acidifies cows better, so less product is needed.
  • Cows can be fed a higher DCAD.
  • Provides superior DMI at similar levels of acidification (urine pH).
  • Cows maintain better blood calcium levels.
  • Liquid instead of a salt. This helps to spread better in all the ingredients in ration.
  • Product is pumped into TMR, so no need for bags.
  • Contains a highly absorbable source of magnesium.
  • Ingredients will not separate or freeze.
Calcium Status vs. Urine pH Graph
Anionic recommdended use graphic.

iLiquid Prop-Peak®

A molasses propionate-based liquid supplement for early lactation cows.

Glucose requirements are markedly increased at the onset of lactation due to the simultaneous demand by the mammary gland as well as the activated immune system. Prop-Peak® is a dietary strategy to improve glucose availability and liver health in early lactation.

Nearly all cows encounter immune insults around calving that trigger an inflammatory response and consequently increase the competition for glucose use by the mammary gland. Increasing glucose status in early lactation has the opportunity to support the immune response, allowing for resolution of inflammation and increased glucose availability for the mammary gland.

Product Features

  • Increases the cows' glucose producing capacity without hindering rumen health
  • Increases supply of the essential glucose precursor, propionate, in early lactation
  • Increases glucose availability for the immune system, allowing for resolution of the inflammatory response and thus, reducing competition for glucose use by the mammary gland
Prop-Peak Research Graph
Prop-Peak recommdended use graphic.
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